The Collaborative Approach
A Collaborative Divorce is a voluntary out-of-court process that allows couples who are ending their marriage to determine the outcome in a safe, neutral and respectful environment. Parties who agree to participate in the collaborative process agree in writing not to go to court. Their attorneys are disqualified from continuing their representation if the collaborative process breaks down and the parties decide to litigate their divorce. This rule incentivizes the parties and their attorneys to resolve the case through the collaborative process. In addition, a team of professionals, including a neutral financial expert, coaches, and mental health experts, all participate in the process. All team members are trained in collaborative law, including the attorneys. In a collaborative divorce, all decisions are made jointly without resort to judges and costly litigation.
Partner Barbara J. Youngman is a member of the International Academy of Collaborative Professionals and the Los Angeles Collaborative Family Law Association (LACFLA).